Crochet Help Guide

If you need help with crochet stitches, colour changes and other useful techniques, you'll find all the information below. These guides can be used in conjunction with any of my crochet patterns. If there is anything you need further help with, please email us at:

This section is currently a work in progress, so please check back soon. Check out our instagram page @bluesparrowhandmade for helpful reels on our bio highlight called "tutorials".


Chain (ch) With a loop on your hook, yarn over from back to front and pull the loop through

Stitch (st) stitch / stitches.

Magic ring (mr) Wrap yarn over two fingers twice forming an X. Place the hook under the first piece of yarn and then over the second piece of yarn. Pull the outer strand of yarn under the first strand of the X forming a loop. Yarn over once more and draw the yarn through both loops. Work the appropriate number of stitches into the loop by inserting the hook into the main circle space onto the other side, yarning over and pulling through the space in the middle, yarn over the hook and pull through both loops on the hook. Once you have crocheted the number of stitches required, pull the short bit of string to tighten the ring.

Single crochet (sc) Insert your hook into a stitch, yarn over, pull the yarn through,  you should have two loops on the hook, yarn over once more and pull the yarn through both loops. With the single crochet, you can choose to keep the yarn over or under your hook to create two different looks. Using the yarn over method, your stitches will be less tight, and create a 'v' stitch. Using the yarn under method, your stitches will be tighter and create a 'x' stitch.

Slip st (slst) Put your hook through the stitch, yarn over, pull through the stitch, and then pull the yarn through the loop on your hook.

Increase (inc) Work 2 sc into the same stitch.

Invisible decrease (dec) Insert your hook under the front loop of the first stitch, and then under the front loop of the second stitch. Yarn over and pull through both front loops. Yarn over and pull through the remaining loops.

Half double crochet (hdc) Yarn over the hook before going into a stitch. Once you yarn over, insert your hook into the stitch, yarn over and pull through. You should have 3 loops on your hook. Yarn over and pull through all 3 loops on the hook.

Bobble stitch (4dc bbl) You will complete 4 double crochets into a stitch but leave them unfinished, until a final yarn over to form the bobble. Yarn over the hook before going into a stitch. Once you yarn over, insert your hook into the stitch, yarn over and pull through. You should have 3 loops on your hook. Yarn over and pull through 2 of the loops. Instead of completing the double crochet, you will leave the remaining loop on the hook. Repeat the process again into the same stitch, for a total of 4 times. There should be 5 loops on your hook at the end, yarn over and pull through all 5 loops.

Back loop only (BLO) Work the required stitch in the back loop only of the stitch and not both loops.

Front loop only (FLO) Work the required stitch in the front loop only of the stitch and not both loops.

Closing the piece using the invisible method: When you need to weave in the yarn tail for open pieces, the invisible method will provide a neat edge to your work. Place the yarn through your sewing needle, and skip one stitch (consider this the first single crochet of the last round). You will sew under the single crochet of the second stitch along. Then, sew into the middle of the single crochet where the yarn tail came from (not the skipped stitch, consider this the last single crochet of the last round). Pull the yarn tail tight, and it will close the piece nicely. From here, you will weave the yarn tail into your work.

Closing the piece entirely: To close a piece completely, once you have fastened off from the last round, weave the yarn tail through the remaining front loops and pull tight to close. Place the needle through the centre of the work and out through another stitch, then continue to weave the yarn tail.

Invisible colour change method: To introduce a new colour, change the colour on the last st of the round before the new colour starts. When you are completing a sc, before you close the stitch, you should have 2 loops on your hook. Instead of yarning over with the same colour into those 2 loops, you will introduce your new colour by pulling up a loop and bringing it through the 2 loops. Pull tight on the old colour’s yarn tail to secure the stitch, allowing you to continue in the new colour.